
Our Christian vision of ‘Trust shows the way’ is underpinned by our three vision statements: ‘Exploring Old and New’, ‘Striving for Excellence’ and ‘Realising our Gifts’. These are the inspiration for our curriculum and led to our three curriculum drivers: Inspiration, Excellence and Exploration. These principles have helped shape the wider curriculum offered by Friskney All Saints. Our curriculum intent statement further explains how our curriculum has been crafted.

Our curriculum drivers:

Inspiration – Our exciting and engaging curriculum seeks to encourage children’s curiosity, inspiring a lifelong love of learning that sparks creativity and prepares our students for a future that demands adaptability and innovation. Learning opportunities are skilfully adapted to inspire and support all pupils, especially those with SEND, removing barriers and igniting interest. Enrichment opportunities are carefully planned to engage learners beyond the academic. Our curriculum is designed to be irresistible so that pupils are encouraged to realise their gifts in every area of the curriculum.

Excellence - Our ambitious curriculum is designed to ensure that every child reaches their full potential and always striving for excellence. Each year, the children’s identified learning builds upon previously taught content through clearly mapped out, sequential units which detail the substantive and disciplinary knowledge. We prioritise vocabulary acquisition, employing a systematic and explicit approach to the teaching of vocabulary in every subject and timely retrieval opportunities are carefully planned and scaffolded throughout our curriculum enabling children to strengthen and remember previously taught knowledge.

Exploration –We encourage pupils to explore what it means to be part of Friskney, as well as Modern Britain and the wider world. Helping our children to be inquisitive and questioning of their learning enables inquisitive thinking, investigation, independence and problem solving. Curriculum design is focussed on developing oracy and reading, allowing pupils to explore and strengthen existing and new knowledge across all aspects of the curriculum. Through a strong framework of personal development, we ensure pupils understand who they are and are well prepared and eager for the next stage of their education.

Our Christian and British Values of Love, Trust, Kindness, Hope and Respect, are modelled, interwoven and celebrated, constantly underpinning our thinking and behaviour. Values are explicitly taught through Collective Worship, PSHE and across the curriculum, but are also reflected in the way  the curriculum is delivered and the relationships seen across our school community.


Please see the documents below to access our school curriculum. If you have any questions or would like to know more about our curriculum please feel free to contact our curriculum leader Tina Wood.  

[email protected]



We strongly believe that it is every pupil’s right to learn to read and we strive to ensure that every child is a confident, fluent reader by the end of Key Stage One. Reading is the vehicle through which children access many other areas of the curriculum and subsequently can open the door to many other aspects in the wider world and therefore, we place great emphasis on ensuring daily, high quality, systematic, discrete phonics teaching is delivered consistently across our academy.  At our school we follow the Read Write Inc. programme to teach phonics. This rigorous and sequential approach to teaching phonics ensures that our children enter Key Stage Two as confident readers and that they are prepared for the next stage of their education.

Information Videos

What is Read, Write, Inc?

Understanding Phonics

How to say the sounds


Reading is taught in all classes from Y2 onwards to those who have completed the RWI programme. In the session many aspects of reading will be covered to help continue your child’s reading journey. Class teachers will discuss new and unknown vocabulary. They will read to the children first, adding emphasis and tone to their voice where the author has intended this but also show how speech marks means a character will speak. They will also discuss why the author has made vocabulary choices and sentence structures. This is done by using VIPERS questions. 


At Friskney All Saints, the aim of our writing curriculum is to equip pupils with the necessary skills and vocabulary to communicate effectively through a wide variety of written media, not only through their educational experiences but beyond this, into their adult lives. It is our intent that pupils will go on to fully utilise the medium of writing to entertain, persuade, inform and advise, developing an appreciation of the power and influence of the written word. We want our pupils to use language confidently and expressively, taking pride in their written work, using editing and refining skills as they reflect upon their compositions.


We use Nelson Handwriting scheme as the base for our handwriting curriculum, providing structured opportunities to practice and refine skills.


We use No Nonsense Spelling scheme as the base for our spelling curriculum providing structured opportunities to practice and refine skills.  This builds on from the spelling aspect that children encounter during Read Write Inc phonics sessions that the children have prior to moving on to the No Nonsense Spelling scheme in year 2. Enrichment opportunities are carefully planned to engage learners beyond the academic. These include  games and quizzes to aid with learning new spellings. Our curriculum is designed to be irresistible so that pupils are encouraged to realise their gifts in every area of the curriculum.


At Friskney All Saints Primary School, we are Mathematicians!


We want our children to love all things mathematical!  At Friskney All Saints, we believe mathematics is an important part of children’s development throughout school, right from an early age. Mathematics is important in everyday life and, with this is mind, the purpose of Mathematics at Friskney, is to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately.

As is in line with our vision, we Explore Old and New Horizons by ensuring we use knowledge the children are secure with to support new learning. We feel that developing a positive mathematical mindset, is the key to all children fulfilling their mathematical potential. We strive for excellence in the mathematical curriculum we deliver in order that children Realise their Gifts by reaching their potential in their mathematical understanding. All children are challenged within lessons and lessons are delivered using the Mastery Maths approach. New mathematical concepts are introduced using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allows them to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. Arithmetic and basic math skills are practised daily to ensure key mathematical concepts are embedded and children can recall this information to see the links between topics in Maths.








Design Technology



Primary Languages