Class 4 (Y5 & Y6)


Class 4 Curriculum letter


Last term class 4 worked exceptionally hard through assessment week and both year 5 and year 6 should be very proud of themselves.  The afternoons were spent being marvellously creative and as a team designing, creating and putting together a badger scarecrow and a sweet cart for Friskney show.  We hope you enjoy these at the show. 



In English this term we will be writing a range of fiction and non-fiction.  We will begin with a few short pieces of writing to give the children the opportunity to show their learning from across the year.  We will be refining our use of punctuation and specific language.


In Maths we are recapping multiplication and division with larger numbers and decimal numbers before moving on to statistics.  We will recap our strategies of mental methods as well as calculating time intervals and working in units of 60.  We will continue to learn and understand square and cube numbers.


Religious Education

In RE we are studying how people express their beliefs creatively.  We will look at how music gives meaning, how dance and singing show beliefs and how a non-religious world view is expressed in this way too.  The children will be encouraged to identify how they express their beliefs through their creativity whether this be through singing, a hair style or an item of clothing. 



In science we will continue to learn about forces.  We will investigate and learn about levers, pulleys and gears.  There are many practical elements to this unit as well as learning more about significant scientists such as Isaac Newton and Galileo.


Our PE days return to a Tuesday and Wednesday, children require a water bottle and PE kit on these days.   Please check the uniform policy to clarify uniform expectations.  We will be enjoying rounders and developing our athletic skills ready for sports day. 


Our history is the study of the Mayan civilisation. We will look at where this period fits with our previous learning and what else was happening around the world at this time.  We will study how the Maya people farmed, lived and the diversity within their communities.


In French we will learn to express our likes and dislikes, further study animal names, recap colours and learn the French alphabet.  Having a phonetic knowledge of the French alphabet will enable us to read more fluently and with accurate French pronunciation.  



DT this term is cooking which the children are excited about.  Our DT days will fall at the end of June where we will have 2 days of cooking soup and bread using local ingredients.  We will recap our geography unit of food miles and consider sustainability when choosing our ingredients.