Class 3 (Y3 & Y4)


Class 3 Curriculum letter

Hello and welcome back to a new term in class 3. Mrs Banham and I have got lots of fun, learning and experiences planned for the term.


Please find below an overview of learning this term. We try to make ourselves available at the beginning and end of every day for any questions and you are also welcome to contact us on Class Dojo.



In English, we will be learning about Limericks as a type of poetry and also continuing with our talk for writing fiction unit, Elf Road.


In Maths, we will develop our knowledge of fractions, before moving onto statistics and then multiplication and division.


Religious Education

In RE, we are studying God and incarnation, including learning about the trinity.



This term, we will be studying ‘animals including humans’. We will identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat. We will also identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.



Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure children come to school wearing the correct P.E uniform- all earrings should be removed and long hair should be tied back. We will be enjoying and learning the skills of netball and pop-lacrosse.


Other curriculum areas

Our focus of History is the stone age, bronze age and iron age. In French, we will look at animals. Computing will learn about branching databases. In Music, we are preparing for the Spilsby Music Festival and, the PSHE topic is ‘Healthy Me’.


Warm regards, Mrs Carter-Hill