Class 4 (Y5 & Y6)


Class 4 Curriculum letter


Last term class 4 enjoyed planting their own individual tree as a legacy to the school.  We look forward to watching them grow over this next term and beyond.  The frogspawn caused great excitement and the quick succession of eggs to tadpoles kept us all engaged.  Miss Price has looked after them over the Easter holidays and some are definitely at the late tadpole stage with two clear front legs.      



In English this term we will be writing fiction and looking at the structure of a meeting tale.  We will use our talk for writing strategies and learn a meeting tale through actions before attempting to write our own.  We will focus on a range of punctation for effect, sentence structures and ambitious vocabulary.   We will all continue to work on using a range of subordinating conjunctions.



In Maths we are recapping addition and subtraction with larger numbers and decimal numbers before moving on to statistics.  We will recap our strategies of mental methods as well as calculating time intervals and working in units of 60.


Religious Education

In RE we are studying how people express their beliefs creatively.  We will look at how art gives meaning, how architecture and buildings show the importance and priority of beliefs and how a non-religious world view is expressed through creativity.  The children will be encouraged to identify how they express their beliefs through their creativity whether this be through singing, a hair style or an item of clothing. 



In science we will learn about Forces.  We will investigate and learn about levers, pulleys and gears.  There are many practical elements to this unit as well as learning more about significant scientists such as Isaac Newton and Galileo.


Our PE days continue to be Tuesday and Wednesday, children require a water bottle and PE kit on these days.   Please check the uniform policy to clarify uniform expectations.  We will be learning pop lacrosse and developing our athletic skills ready for sports day. 


Our geography is the study of maps and how the world is documented.  We will look at longitude and latitude and use the world and local maps to learn to read grid references and identify exactly where we are in the world.


In French we will learn to express our likes and dislikes, further study animal names and learn the French alphabet.  Having a phonetic knowledge of the French alphabet will enable us to read more fluently and with accurate French pronunciation.  



Our artist this term is Camilla Low.  We will begin our studies by looking at the art she is famous for, the impact of her art and how her art may be interpreted.  As an abstract constructivist her work is open to interpretation.  The children will then produce a structure mirroring Camilla’s style and consider the impact of this structure if it was scaled up to a playground piece or scaled down to an item of jewellery.