Class 1 (Pre-school & Reception)


Class 1 Curriculum letter


Welcome back everyone!

Last term, we really enjoyed our topic ‘Amazing Adventures’ and going on lots of different journeys. I think the highlight of the term was dressing up as pirates and using the treasure map to find the buried treasure around school! I can’t wait for more fun exciting learning opportunities this term!

Our weekly timetable will still consist of lots of fun and purposeful activities that will take place indoors and in our outdoor environment. Learning opportunities will be planned around our seven areas of learning and development according to the EYFS curriculum and will involve adult let and child-initiated activities.


(Reception) Daily phonics using our school scheme Read Write Inc. Fred Frog will continue to help support our blending skills to read and learning to spell words. We will be practising holding a sentence and then writing it using our phonological knowledge.

(Pre-school) Introductory to our phonics scheme and will begin to practise some single sounds and play some blending games with ‘Fred Frog’.


(Talk for Writing)

All children will join in with our daily literacy session and this term our story focus will be Peter and the Wolf.


Daily opportunities will be planned through continuous provision and daily routines for all children.

(Reception) Children will secure their number knowledge of 10 by knowing the composition of each number and comparing quantities. They will continue to develop their subitising skills and explore different measures and shape.

Understanding the World

Our topic this term will focus on farming, animals, planting and growing. We will hopefully plan a trip to a local farm or Friskney Wildlife Park.


Our special places

PSHE - Jigsaw

Relationships – exploring friendships.


Will remain on a Friday so please ensure children continue to come to school in their PE kits. If your child wears earrings, please ensure they are not in on a Friday.

Reception children will bring home reading books they can practise with you and every child will bring home a sharing book that you can enjoy together. Please share your comments in their yellow reading records.

I will continue to share our learning journey of each week on Tapestry so please look out every Friday to see what your child has been learning about. Also, please share any photos from home that your child can share with the rest of the class. We look forward to seeing them!

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries and thank you once again for all your continued support.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Gains